How to Realize how Subconscious We was to proceed ?

Lunch Pak Sisworo ,

I want to ask , how do we realize that our subconscious was to proceed ? Moreover ,how does the system work sharpen our subconscious ?

Thank you

Hamdan Alhamdi, Cilacap, Central JavaAnswer:
Sahlullah Dear Sir, thank you for the question. Basically, the subconscious mind that controls all our behavior. Nearly 100 percent of activities that do not require thinking, which is automatic, spontaneous, it is an unconscious process. Intuition, inspiration, dreams, all come from the subconscious mind. Including control of our body system.
 example of a habit, like when we wake up in the morning, if we could
realize or remember which foot to step on first floor this morning? Out of habit, we do it without the "presence" of our conscious mind. This is one form of the unconscious process simple. Another example is that we can drive a car without having to think about how to move the gears, brakes and gas. And our reaction when we have to brake suddenly. If it is done by the conscious mind, then we have certainly crashed.
 of the subconscious mind (also known as the unconscious mind) itself
suggests that the conscious mind is not aware of what was done or
processed by the mind only. Therefore, thought this one is called the subconscious mind.
All we can do to realize what the unconscious can give us is to calm down. Ideas, inspiration and intuition-is only going to come when we calm. We can raise awareness in our subconscious mind with meditation, remembrance, and prayer. Train yourself aware of every action that we do, which has been
happening without our conscious thought processes as aware of footsteps,
 aware of the words we are going to spend before we remove it will help
us realize the processes of the unconscious.
 important thing that needs to be underlined is one of the guilty mind,
the greater the effort the conscious mind, the smaller the unconscious
response. In
 everyday occurrence like this example, Have you met with an old friend,
 but you would not hesitate to ask his name, so you keep wondering,
what's his name many times. Did you get the answer? No! Because
 the more often we ask, especially for something that requires quietness
 and a little time for the subconscious mind to find the answer, then we
 might not give a "workspace" to the subconscious. The subconscious mind is busy taking questions from us. Then, you parted with your friends. You also did not ask his name. In this condition, the subconscious mind has time to find the answers you need. And BINGO, your friend's name appears.
To sharpen the process, enter a lot of data and relevant. That


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